Stop the Harvey Norman GST tax extortion

Harvey Norman and a number of other retailers are attempting to lobby the Australian government to place a GST upon online transactions. We encourage you to boycott Harvey Norman stores in Australia and New Zealand. Taxation is not the answer and we will explain why in this blog.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Some fairness please for Gerry Harvey

There are different reasons why Gerry Harvey is being attacked, so after reviewing some of the Twitter criticism, I would like to give him some level of defense, because not all of it is legitimate. There are those who argue:
1. Against globalisation - For some reason they see Gerry Harvey as a symbol of globalisation. This is nonsensical argument, even though you can argue that he imports a lot of product; so does everyone, and was a consumer driven phenomenon, in the same way that cheaper online shopping is hurting him. He is at least not as unthinking, uneducated as the socialists asserting this proposition. Further proof that public education does not help, but in fact creates socialism.
2. Crocodile tears from Harvey - There are those who argue that the political rights and concerns of Gerry Harvey are somehow less important because he has $700million in wealth. I personally repudiate those who think wealth is inherently an indictment of immorality, public derision or that Harvey Norman is not worthy of moral consideration. The reality is that he is entitled to rights, but he ought to be campaigning for a system which protects all people, not merely himself, i.e. Principles, not exemptions under statutory law. On that note, Gerry Harvey has my empathy. His life ought to matter to principled people, moreover because he is being attacked by self-loathing collectivists who will attack any symbol of success because they cannot attain it. Harvey does have an important role to play. I think moreover because his business interests are lagging. I think its time he retired...probably should have ten years ago.

Perhaps you have also to empathise with Gerry Harvey because despite his ignorance he is by at least a financial measure a successful person. Money isn't everything, but he cannot be accused of being a parasite, he has probably followed the rules of the country (even if laws are often immoral), and by some measure he is a role model, i.e. Good work ethic.

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