Stop the Harvey Norman GST tax extortion

Harvey Norman and a number of other retailers are attempting to lobby the Australian government to place a GST upon online transactions. We encourage you to boycott Harvey Norman stores in Australia and New Zealand. Taxation is not the answer and we will explain why in this blog.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Gerry Harvey - fairness or extortion

Assistant Treasurer Bill Shorten argues...big retailers displayed a "streak of defeatist protectionism".
This is unfair. Protection is characterised by the existence of tariff barriers, subsidies, import quotas and the like. This is not what the retail coalition is campaigning for.
They simply want equal taxation treatment of online sales, not a system that is tipped in favour of overseas operators. They don't want special treatment for themselves. They want it to be removed from offshore competitors.
The problem with this argument is that you don't achieve fairness by loading taxes on people. You achieve fairness by taking them off yourself. Gerry Harvey cared little about the impact upon others, his interest was 'equal slavery' to our government, as opposed to differentiated slavery. The argument is not solely 'equality' but a question of freedom. He was insensitive to others political and financial interests...people for whom a tax imposition means a great deal more to than it does to him. It did not help that he raised the debate during a recession and at Christmas. For this reason....I call him an extortionist...because he is effectively sanctioning increases on taxation for Australian consumers, when he should be attacking the stupidity of the taxation system and canvassing a 'user pays' system.

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