Stop the Harvey Norman GST tax extortion

Harvey Norman and a number of other retailers are attempting to lobby the Australian government to place a GST upon online transactions. We encourage you to boycott Harvey Norman stores in Australia and New Zealand. Taxation is not the answer and we will explain why in this blog.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Retailers supporting government coercion

The most worrisome aspect of the retailers lobbying is that business has become the 'foot soldier' of government in campaigning for taxes. This is reminiscent of that era before World War II. We are told how certain business sought favours from government, but the reality is that these governments merely seek concessions because of their anti-intellectual, short range thinking. We saw this among the mining companies as well. One need only look at the way the mining industry handled the Resource Rent Tax. They did improve after a period.
This writer on the SMH website shows the level of consumer cynicism against retailers:
"We should just fine anyone buying overseas - make it illegal and then we people working at retail stores can keep our jobs!"
People just don't expect business to act in support of unethical government policy.

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