Stop the Harvey Norman GST tax extortion

Harvey Norman and a number of other retailers are attempting to lobby the Australian government to place a GST upon online transactions. We encourage you to boycott Harvey Norman stores in Australia and New Zealand. Taxation is not the answer and we will explain why in this blog.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Retail workers should seek other vocations

The people working in the retail trade for Harvey Norman and others should look for another job before they lose it. They ought to recognise the reality, that their bosses are ineffective, so they are sailing on a sinking ship. After all, they need propping up by government. Get out before the foreigners take you over! This is my message to workers at these enterprises, because you have no one else to blame but yourselves. You need to plan your career choice, not blindly hope there will be a job for you in the future because there was one yesterday. Here is a quote by one of them from the SMH article:

"I work for Myer and i hope that all of you saying you wont buy from us lose your jobs! We have a family to feed too; we need the money that comes from your custom".

The problem with the worker who made this response is that they appear to be saying that extortion is ok if it keeps them in employment. Sorry, but unthinking people like this do not deserve protection. They are the reason why Australia sux as a place to live. Parasitism and extortion. If they only had the education to know how their government had sabotaged the economy. They are themselves the result of the public and private (religious) education system.
One commentator made the point:

"I love the way after 40+ negative reactions to these greedy retailers were posted suddenly we had two or three supposed Myer employees posting almost identical messages about how we are all threatening their jobs. Sure you work for Myer - you work for their PR Department and are in damage control. These companies really think we are mugs".

That be as it may there is no doubting that there will be mothers with an unsustainable number of kids who will be hurt by unemployment. We however cannot spare people from the responsibility of thinking...sorry she is getting the message after 3 kids.
Another respondent says:
"I happen to know that Telstra is NOT offshoring many of its jobs, infact it is trying to bring back most of them! (there will still be some that are not within this country, but we recently build a brand new help center in Melbourne that will take alot of calls".
True enough, Telstra tried offshoring jobs but it managed the process so badly it lost jobs. The problem was it did not understand the cultural sensitivity of having Indians selling telephone plans to elderly Australians who are hard of hearing. Nor did it understand the sensitivity of customer information. Yep, another win for government-employment culture.
This is not incidentally the sale issue. In this case, people are happy with the foreign service, and the local retailers are very scared, because they have not positioned themselves. Maybe they realise that they need to buy an online seller and are trying to extort a good deal by showing that they are mates with the government.

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